The candidate recruitment journey from beginning to new start

Signing up with a recruitment agency to help you find your dream job in Market Harborough should make things easy for you. It should feel like you’ve got someone doing the legwork for you, like you’ve got a job search PA or your own job coach.

​And that’s exactly how we like to work. We aim to make finding your new perfect position a painless experience.

Let us help you find your dream job

When you get in touch with us, we will work in an open and honest way with you, and that’s all we expect in return. Together we will establish exactly what you can give to a role and what you need from that role. It’s this simple yet successful partnership that delivers such great results.

We will always aim to meet with you in person at the start of our journey together. This can be at Vanilla HQ in Market Harborough or by meeting up somewhere in the middle. If it makes more sense we may even set up a video call instead. The aim in all of this is for us to really get to know you; not just learn about your work history and skills set, but about your motivations, ambitions and personality too.

The candidate recruitment journey

Market Harborough Jobs Vanilla Recruitment

Market Harborough jobs - candidate journey

Why Vanilla?


The impact that your job has on your life is huge, and with the majority of us spending longer at work than anywhere else it’s no surprise. We understand that the decision about where and how you work, and perhaps more importantly what you do, shapes so much more than just the hours between 9.00am to 5.00pm.

In every conversation we have with anyone looking to make a job change, our role can be very different depending on what you need from us. Some conversations are about us giving guidance, some are about offering support, some are for reassurance, and some are just about confirmation – we understand that every person who contacts us is an individual and has their own unique story, history, skills, ambitions and goals.


Start your journey NOW


Send us your CV and we’ll take the time to read it through and get back to you. If we think we can be of help, we’ll arrange with you to meet up so we can get to know you and understand what you’re looking for. If we don’t feel we can help you, we’ll be honest about it. It might be that we don’t recruit for the type of role you’re looking for, or that we can’t help at this moment in time – we’ll let you know and manage your expectations.


Candidate Resources


Our service goes beyond just matching you with a job role. From getting to know you and what you’re looking for, we will also support you through the entire recruitment process. From how we present your CV to future employers, to helping you with interview techniques and preparing presentations, to managing the change from one employer to another – we’ll be there for you every step of the way. Click here for useful tips and resources to aid you with your job search.

“Positively transforming lives through a great recruitment experience”